How to download outlook express for windows 7
How to download outlook express for windows 7

  1. How to download outlook express for windows 7 how to#
  2. How to download outlook express for windows 7 upgrade#
  3. How to download outlook express for windows 7 windows 7#

You may be able to infer its location from the examples above. Locate your Outlook Express store on your machine.

How to download outlook express for windows 7 windows 7#

If you no longer have access to Windows XP – presumably because you’ve upgraded to Windows 7 in place, then you’ll need to: Take note of all your settings in this dialog as well. If “My server requires authentication” is checked, then click on the Settings… button and note all your settings in the resulting dialog. Take note of your Name and E-mail address configured. For each account listed there click on the account and then the Properties button. In Outlook Express click on the Tools menu, Accounts… menu item, Mail tab. (You may need to repeat this once for each identity you use if you use more than one – be sure to select a unique name for each.)Īll of these exported address books must now also be copied to your Windows 7 machine.įinally, you’ll need to note, save or record your email account configuration, as there is no automated process to transfer it to your new installation. In Outlook Express, click on the Addresses toolbar button, then in the resulting Address Book Window, click on the File menu, Export menu item, and Address Book (WAB)… sub-menu item:Įnter a file name and save the address book export in some location.

how to download outlook express for windows 7

What matters is that the entire folder is somehow copied to the Windows 7 machine.

how to download outlook express for windows 7

It really doesn’t matter how you do it you can burn a CD or DVD, copy to a flash drive or removable hard disk, or even copy directly over the network. This entire folder, including all the files and subfolders within it must be copied to your Windows 7 machine. Open up Windows Explorer ( Windows Key + E is easiest), and paste that into the address bar and press Enter: (Though all on one line, and of course some of the specific text will be different.) It’ll probably give you something very similar to this: You can actually click-and-drag to select the store folder name therein – just make sure to drag to the far right to get it all, then right click on it and you can select copy: Click on the Tools menu, Options… menu item, Maintenance tab, Store Folder… button: In Outlook Express, locate the “message store” folder.

How to download outlook express for windows 7 upgrade#

Particularly when you’re moving machines, though, there are a couple of things you can do before the upgrade to make life just a tad simpler. It’s OK if you’re not you’ll get to skip a few steps, but for the most part this process applies equally whether you’re moving from one machine to another, or just upgrading an existing machine to Windows 7.ĭon’t worry if you’ve already upgraded to Windows 7 and XP’s no longer around. I’m going to assume that you’re also switching machines.

How to download outlook express for windows 7 how to#

In this (lengthy) article, I’ll show you how to move from Outlook Express to Windows Live Mail (the easiest moving option), step by annoying step. That means it’s time to migrate to a different email program. Unfortunately, Outlook Express is not available for Windows 7. I get variations of this question a lot since Microsoft made the decision to remove Outlook Express – or any email program for that matter – from Windows 7.

How to download outlook express for windows 7